Today I made use of the fabulous sunshine and started the cleaning the lawn furniture etc. There is still a lot of work to be done before I can open the pool. In the meantime, I'm taking a break with a cup opf coffee and cranberry muffin and a good book.
Heute Nachmittag Kaffeepause auf der Terasse. Allerdings wartet noch viel Arbeit, bis der Pool geoeffnet werden kann.
Another gorgeous saturday full of sunshine and leasure time.... almost..... I have call today and there is a case scheduled for 10 am.
Wieder ein schoener Samstag mit viel Sonne, Freizeit und Bereitschaft... um 10 h muss ich in die Klinik zu einer OP ...leider... inzwischen geniesse ich aber die Sonnenstrahlen...
Got another haircut.....nothing noteworthy there..... except for the candid comments from friends.... " It's short" and " Are you wearing gray now?"
Hab mir die Haare wieder schneiden lassen...das ist ja nichts besonderes.. allerdings geben die Kommentare von Freunden zu denken... "Sehr kurz" und " Traegst du jetzt grau ?"
from Erik.... very funny, I wonder where he found it... I only did it once... as I was taking Erik to pre-school and wanted to remove a little spot from his cheek.... poor little Erik got sick and had to throw up after his mom washed his face with a little spit.... child abuse...
Silverdollar City Acrobats of China.... One of the shows we visited in Silsverdollar City.... This guy was impressive.... Della's pictures of me taking pictures of.... ??
This morning ....Table Rock Lake. It rained incessantly ...we were unable to get out of the car and hike one of the nature trails around the lake as we had planned. Our lunch at Olive Garden was very good and provided a welcome reprieve from the damp and cold weather. The joys of italian food...